Gilbert & Mark Sapperstein Organized Crime Syndicate


Maryland “A State of Corruption”

Retained By Gilbert & Mark Sapperstein Organized Crime Syndicate to Defend their “Good Name”

To understand what is going on here Mark & Gilbert Sapperstein are “Good Buddies with Joseph Curran Jr. (Former MD. AG.)

The short answer to this enclosed letter is that I never solicited any money from Mark Sapperstein. I was contacted on April 3, 2011 by Edward Ko (claiming to be acting on behalf of Mark Sapperstein) and Ko asked if I would be interested in selling my single website to Mark Sapperstein. I responded by sending Mr. Ko an email with a price I was asking for my website and requesting more specific information directly from Mark Sapperstein with a letter signed by Mark sapperstein verifying that Mr. Ko was in fact legitimately acting on Mark Sapperstein’s behalf.

Sapperstein MD. AG.pdf


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